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克罗地亚2009年加入北约,2013年加入欧盟。其空军现役战斗机队为过时的米格-21战斗机。(编译/汪强)责任编辑:张冬经济观察报 记者 饶贤君“鼓励疏解非首都功能,鼓励补齐地区配套短板,鼓励完善地区公共服务设施,鼓励加强职住平衡。”在这四大原则之下,北京市规划和国土资源管理委员会(以下简称“规土委”)发布了《建设项目规划使用性质正面和负面清单》(以下简称《清单》)。《清单》根据北京城市总体规划中“一核一主一副、两轴多点一区”的城市空间结构划分,按照六大区域各自的功能定位设置了正负面调整清单,协调区域发展。


I think we have to think differently about competition, about innovation. If our competitors go, I always share with my team, don’t try to find a perfect solution, especially in a very competitive landscape. If you have a strong competitor, if they go east, then the only chance you have is to go west. In this very fast-changing world, we say, don’t miss the train. When mobile Internet comes, people say don’t miss the mobile Internet. Then, today all people are talking about 5G, about IoT, but all of us realize that the revolution comes more and more frequently and change comes more and more often. So, I shared with my team, we try not to miss one train, but don’t try to catch the train if you’re the last one. In this case, why don’t you turn around and think about what’s the next train. Be well-prepared for the next train. I think it’s much better than working very hard and trying to copy other people’s models and follow other people to take the train.


